Diploma Intensive Two

Intensive Two 2021 - 4 Days

JAF 201 TMJ & Cranials 17 - 18 April

Headaches and migraines are just two symptoms caused by jaw muscles and cranial problems.
You learn to reset these imbalances bringing relief to many. The cranial bones are also involved in learning difficulties, emotional stress and numerous other problems.

MST 202   Shoulder, Elbow & Hand Muscle 3 - 4 May

You will learn correction techniques to release pain, increase the function and performance of the shoulder, arm, hand and fingers. We all know people with pain and MST202, MST203 and MST301 are major units to release these pains. With this unit you will be able to help most non-surgical injuries from shoulder to finger tips.

Contact us for information on this event

Venue:Byron Bay Campus
Phone Enquiries:02 6685 7991