Advanced International Diploma Units
These units are open to all who have completed EMS 201 and EMS 302 Please discuss with us, if you would like to attend any of those classes. These workshops will work towards an international Diploma in Energy Psychology Investment per year for 2 years for the advanced units for Diploma in Energy Psychology $3,200
EMS 303 Dreams, Goals and Attitudes
Trauma Healing Parijat's workshop
K-Power x 3 workshops
EMS 304 Releasing limited Stress responses
EMS 305 Colour and Sound Healing
EMS 301 Genetic and meridian emotional release protocols
Rapid Stress Release/ Emotional First Aid
EMS 306 Rituals and Motivational Messages
EMS 401 Co-Dependency and Role reversals
EMS 402 Compulsive Behaviour
EMS 403 Spiritual issues Advanced units below will be offered from time to time: MST 303 Emotional Anatomy/ Intelligence
Pre-requisits EMS 201 and MST 201
Elements of Learning: -
Emotional Anatomy - the upright stance
overbound and underbound anger/despair responses
complex emotional layering responses
somatic interactions
use kinesiology techniques to obtain understanding and acceptance of past patterns of response, defuse stress associated with these and look at other possible positive responses.
amygdala mode
emotional intelligence
EMS 401 Co-dependency and Forgiveness
pre-requisites EMS 306 -
Frozen emotions
ECO 301 Adrenal Responses, Geopathic influence, Life Energy
Pre-requisite ECO 202 -
Elements of learning:
fatigue-vitality balance
adrenal alert
adrenal vigilance
adrenal exhaustion
simple adrenal stress
hidden adrenal stress
reverse adrenal stress
geopathic stress
electrical drain
magnetic fields
star point balance
death cycle/degeneration/longevity
hypothalamic resets
personal enhancement programme
RBT 301 Trigger points
Pre-requisite RBT 201 -
What are Trigger Points?
Muscle and Nerve Physiology
How trigger points occur
Symptoms of Myofascial TrPs and Physical Findings
Referred Pain Pattern Mechanisms (RPP)
Classification of Myofascial Trigger Points
Apply trigger point techniques in a clinical setting
Making A Clinical Decision
Myofascial Treatments
Things that maintain Trigger Points
Contra-indications to Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy
ECO 302 Cleansing and detoxification
Pre-requisite ECO 301
Elements of learning: -
toxic - chelation cleanse
Foreign chemical overload
heavy metal toxicity
Riddler's - excess
Allopathic toxicity
immune system -overgrowth
detoxification programs
physiology regeneration
physiology awareness
biochemical pathways
active viral energy
bacterial energy: acute, symbiotic, chronic
parasitic energy
MHP 301 ( pre-requisites PIB 203 and ECO 202)
Deepen your work with Acupuncture Points, reactivity and essential oils PDG 302 (pre-requisite PDG 301)
Dealing with birthing muscles, pelvic diaphragm and pelvic floor MHP 302 (pre-requisite MHP 301)
Holographic perception of organs and muscles, cheirology, reflexology, iridology as they apply to Kinesiology, Emotions on the face, body and feet. PIB 301 (pre-requisite PIB 203)
Brain Integration in depth, brain and nervous system balance, neuro-transmitters, memory, brain longevity PIB 302 (pre-requisite PIB 202)
Understanding personalities and behaviours, stress and illness Venue: | Byron Bay Campus | Phone Enquiries: | 02 6685 7991 |