Begin a powerful journey that will expand your awareness and bring coherence
to your life!
Parijat trained as a HeartMath coach with Howard Martin, co-author of
"The HeartMath Solution" in September 2001.
"Over the last 20 years, scientists have discovered new information about the heart. We now have evidence that the heart sends us emotional and intuitive signals to help us govern our lives.
These new discoveries reveal that within each of us exists an organizing and central intelligence that can lift us beyond our problems and into a new experience of fulfillment, even in the midst of chaos.
This intuitive source of wisdom and clear perception embraces and fosters both mental and emotional intelligence. We call is "heart intelligence"
From "The HeartMath Solution"
HeartMath researchers have explored human emotions extensively using heart-rate variability, or heart rhythms, to measure inner emotional states and stress, explains Science of the Heart: Exploring the Role of the Heart in Human Performance, an overview of research conducted by the Institute of HeartMath.
After years of such studies, Science of the Heart notes, "It became clear, that negative emotions lead to increased disorder in the heart's rhythms and in the autonomic nervous system, thereby adversely affecting the rest of the body. ... Disharmony in the nervous system leads to inefficiency and increased stress on the heart and other organs while harmonious rhythms are more efficient and less stressful to the body's systems."
Moreover, our ability to think clearly and reason often is impaired during heightened stress, so the decisions we make may be less effective and beneficial than when we are in a calmer, more coherent state.  |  |
Develop your heart intelligence over a series of coaching sessions, privately or in small groups. Train yourself to create more harmonious heart waves and prevent stress and energy drain.
Computer technology can monitor your "Heart Rate Variability" (HRV) and provide you with fast feed-back on your progress.
HeartMath gives you life skills that promote wellbeing, healing and happiness.
"The techniques started to work for me from day1. They stop me from running along negative pathways, to find the love and peace in my heart, which lead to a loving solution and clarity of mind" Janine
We stock "HeartMath" books, tapes, music and computer programs. Issues you will be addressing: -
"Freeze Frame" technique
Pitfalls and potentials
The power of "neutral"
Sincere appreciation
Barriers and obstacles
Connect to your core values
Energy efficiency
Creative intelligence
Getting in sync, creating harmonious heartwaves
Authentic communication
Understand and improve the physiology of performance
Develop life skills that promote happiness and wellbeing
Use computer feed-back to check in with your heart variability rate

A change of heart changes everything!
HeartMath Byron Bay on request for 5 week course - 1 night per week on request Student feedback:"This course helped me greatly in discovering how to transform anxieties and other depleting emotions into life enhancing feelings and actions. My gratitude goes to Parijat's warmth and her enthusiastic teaching." - Elsbeth
Books and Software to help train yourself for HeartMath are available from us.
1.The HeartMath Solution by Doctor Childre and Howard Martin
2. EmWave Personal Stress Monitor Venue: | Byron Bay Campus | Phone Enquiries: | 02 6685 7991 |