'I decided to do the HFK course just after finishing my Cert IV. It was one of the best decisions I've made in regards to information, tools to use in clinic and value for money. That was over 3 years ago now, and I have found that I use aspects of this course on a daily basis in clinic. It has given me a foundation that I have built upon to assist clients with a variety of imbalances to move them on to greater health and wellness. I would encourage all Kinesiologists, whether they are continuing on in the Diploma or not to do this course.' Joanne Cashman NSW
Registered training hours for 22.5 CPE or 40 hours Cat C/Nutrition AKA
A three day training created by Parijat Wismer FMAKA
Herbs have long been used to balance, tone and restore the body's vitality. They can cleanse, regulate body functions, raise energy, calm overactive nerves and stimulate the immune system.
A knowledge of herbs enhances the kinesiologist's work by supporting thebody's restorative functions, aiding recovery, and helping to maintain balance.
HFK expands your Kinesiology skills in the bio-chemical aspect of the triad of health. The 3 day course is fully accredited with the AKA and AIK and enhances all other Kinesiology Modalities.
Understanding the relationship of the 5 Elements and the cycles of energy flow can give us a deeper understanding of people's imbalances and symptoms. Traditional Herbalism is very much symptom oriented, while HFK fits into the Kinesiology Model.
If we use herbs to balance the body according to it's energy flow, we may be tonifying or sedating organs and meridians that are preceding the organ/meridian showing symptoms either in the ko or sheng cycles rather than "treat" the condition presenting.
As you are offering the priority corrections, you may give several sessions doing emotional work or balancing the meridian system using Kinesiology type corrections.
This process can be supported, or the effectiveness increased through adding a bio-chemical focus. It is helpful to ask the body if a build up of toxins or low functional energy of organs is contributing to the imbalances the person is showing.
Many clients exhibit emotional symptoms, when all along they've been overwhelmed by candida toxins, hormonal imbalances or allergies. Emotional healing will help the person cope somewhat, but without addressing the underlying toxicity, it is a very slow process. Many clients feel enormous relief when they understand that is isn't "all in the head".
One of the best applications of herbs in Kinesiology Practice is in supporting the client to maintain their balance. Herbs are used as part of the steps a client takes to take charge of their healing process. Taking a cup of herbal tea twice daily, which nurtures and feeds the nervous system, enhances and helps maintain an emotional balance. Raising the functional energy of organs with specific herbs will enhance a balance for high vitality.
The intention of the course is to give students confidence in incorporating herbs into their work. Topics covered include Kinesiology procedures, understanding of herbal products, function and dysfunction of body systems and organs, and skills to be able to test for and recommend herbs safely and appropriately.
I believe it is essential for any health care provider to understand the concept of detoxification and tonification, as well as how to monitor the healing process and guide the person in making positive lifestyle changes.
Comments from participants:
"I think this information is so valuable: every Kinesiologist will benefit from taking HFK."
"This is the most practical and useful course I have taken. It has improved results in my practice immediately." |
Learn how to ...-
Apply your knowledge of herbs to make your Kinesiology balances more effective and longer lasting
Guide clients through organ cleanses
Balance your client for Candida overwhelm and parasites
Guide clients through organ cleanses
Improve wellbeing and speed up healing
Use herbs to tone or sedate meridians, as well as balance the Five Elements, Body Systems and Organs.
Pre-requisite: BKP Cert.IV, TFH Synthesis or equivalent
You must be fluent in 5 - Element Balancing, Goal Setting, putting information "in Circuit" and testing for emotions.
Investment: $695 in Byron Bay incl. GST and manuals.
Assessments, coaching and oral exam $150.
Accredited by AKA and AIK - 40 hours (incl. home work) on completing competency assessment
This program gives the Kinesiologist practical tools to enhance their work. Herbs can help maintain benefits gained during a balance and restore health over a longer period. Venue: | Byron Bay Campus | Phone Enquiries: | 02 6685 7991 |